
Monday, November 22, 2010

Microwave Baked Apple Recipe

Microwave Baked Apple Odoriferousness

A nice lady told me today about these easy bake creations. Carrie had heard of these little monstrosities before and I decided to try one tonight. And it did not taste bad at all. In fact, it tasted good. Real good. I liked it. A lot. Carrie liked it too. It would probably be very safe to say that we both enjoyed it. And this is an easy treat to make, total time to make was probably less than 3 minutes and 12 seconds. Coolioolio. You should try one.

What you need:

An Apple
Brown Sugar
Cinnamon Sugar

How to Concoct:

Place your app in a microwavable bowl. Then give it a name, pet it and tell him/her that you are very sorry for what is about to happen.

Core the apple. This was my first coring experience. Apparently my wife is a master corer. You should ask her to show you her skills some time.

Fill the new hole with butter and brown sugar then put the apple in the microwave for around 2 minutes. The amount of time you bake the apple is really dependent upon its size and type. You don't want your final creation to be too mushy.

After the first trip to the microwave...

Now add some cinnamon sugar and put that puppy (apple that is, puppy apple) back in the microwave for about 30 seconds. I've heard it told in tales of old that you can even add some cinnamon hearts or other cinnamon candies here to add a little more of a cinnamon kick.

The finalized product.

Now it's time to feast on the beast.


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