
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Random and Maybe Not So Interesting Facts

Ever wonder which fruit or vegetable has the most vitamin C in it? Ya, me neither.

- The earth weighs about 13,200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds.
- Strawberries, Red Bell Peppers, Broccoli, and Pineapple all have more vitamin C content per cup than an orange.
- If a woodchuck could chuck wood, he would chuck as much as he could.
- That doggie in the window is $14.97.
- The moon is about 9 times the distance from Los Angeles to New York City away from the earth.
- The average squirrel can run up to 10 mph.
- Super-Squirrels can reach speeds up to 29 mph.
- That's not really chicken in your Chinese food.
- Apple Bottom jeans do not have apples in the bottom of them.
- The average pet store contains 5 x more mice than hamsters.
- Bartholemew is a baker.
- The average person has 4-6 dreams per night in REM sleep.
- A cow that eats grass is called a lawnmooer.
- The average person's breath Stanks McJanks.
- When you kiss a girl, you get enough germs to catch pneumonia.
- The best way to throw toilet paper is to wad it up in a small, tight ball, dip it in water, wrap 3 rubber bands around it, place it between your index and pinkie fingers on your left hand, turn your arm so that your palm is facing you, bring your toilet-paper-ball-loaded hand back past your left ear at a 32 degree angle and throw.


Katie Lewis said...

Robert and I, no joke, were in bed last night wondering what had more Vitamin C in it than an orange. Hilarious that you answered that for us!

arw1985 said...

Bartholomew is a baker? I never knew that. That's somewhat interesting.

Oh yeah, who is Bartholomew?

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