
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Random and Maybe Not So Interesting Facts (2)

A few more random facts that you probably won't find interesting:

-Shaving hair does not make it grow back thicker. Read more here. So go ahead, shave that unibrow.
-You should not talk to Porter until he has had his coffee.
-Just because your doctor has not mentioned anything to you about your cholesterol does not mean you don't need to worry about it.
-The average user on Facebook has 130 friends. So check your friends list, it might make you feel a lot better about yourself!
-If you eat your boogers they won't actually grow into worms in your stomach (unlike my grandmother used to tell me).
-There is a full moon tonight (9/25/2010) in Baton Rouge, LA.
-The best movie ever made is Braveheart, followed closely by Saving Private Ryan, The Lion King, and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.
-The average hot dog weighs 2 ounces.
-If you ever happen across a honey badger you should not try to poke fun at it with your finger. You should, however, set up strong boundaries with it and make sure it knows that there will be severe repercussions if it should choose to break said boundaries.
-On an average day, a vehicle sells on ebay every 2 minutes.
-Mississippi was named the fattest of our country's 50 states for the fifth year in a row with an obesity rate of 33.8%. 9 of the top 10 most obese states are in the southeast.
-Contrary to popular belief, guide horses do not live lonely lives, rather they lead a very happy and satisfying existence.


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