
Friday, May 28, 2010

Ice Cream that Defies Gravity, Conciousness, and Incorruptibility

Ok, so we are totally in love with ice cream. And we looooooove Marble Slab Creamery. Our favorite is their birthday cake and dark chocolate ice creams with cookie dough, all mixed together in a fabulous rush of luxuriousness and delectability. The problem is that it is so darn expensive (we can easily spend ten or twelve dollars a trip between the two of us) and when you get a hankerin’ for some ice cream you don’t necessarily want to get out at 9:30 at night and make a 20 mile roundtrip to Marble Slab.

Well we had been content to just live in this conundrum of a predicament for quite some time when we had a marvelously remarkable thought that gave birth to a sensationally magnificent idea: Why don’t we just buy cookie dough ice cream at the grocery store and amalgamate our favorite cake mix (Funfetti!!!) into it??

The result was a decidedly delicious, cheaper solution to our Marble Slab woes. Seriously, this is the real deal. We bought Breyer’s Cookie Dough ice cream (all natural) and a box of Pillsbury Funfetti cake mix for less than $6. And the process was relatively painless. We just scooped out some ice cream into a bowl, dumped a little cake mix on it, grabbed a big metal spoon and a wooden spin and mixed it all together. Super easy, waaaaaaaaaaaaay cheaper than going to your local ice cream shoppe, and seriously just as good (if not 492 times better)! Enjoy!


Caroline Herron said...

ha! This is so funny, I do believe that I introduced that mixture! Also, you've figured out the secret to Marble Slab's ice cream because when i worked there that's what they used to make the ice cream taste that way... cake mix! Awesome!

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